APU Nordic Ski Center is fortunate to have the following businesses and donors support the important mission of our ski center with such dedication.

We are grateful for your continued commitment to our athletes and ski program! Your support has allowed APU Nordic Ski Center to provide a training base and home for some of the world’s best skiers. APU Nordic Ski Center has become one of the premier training facilities in the U.S. due to donations from our community allowing us to continue the development of cross-country skiing in Alaska right in the heart of Alaska Pacific University.

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Hestra Logo

2023/2024 APU Nordic Ski Center Donors & Corporate Contributors

 Alaska Pacific University Nordic Ski Center would like to thank our donors for their contributions that allow for us to help develop and grow the sport of cross country skiing in our community. As a non-profit, we are funded through donations, sponsorships and memberships and rely on contributions to operate year round. We thank our donors who wish to remain anonymous for their generosity. 

Corporate Contributors

ConocoPhillips Alaska
Advanced Physical Therapy
Borah Teamwear
Colaska, Inc.
Alaska Airlines
Walmart, Inc.
IHeart Media
Moose’s Tooth
NMS Catering
Kaladi Brother’s Coffee


FY 2023 Denali Society Nordic Donors 

Kipp Nelson
Tasha Lucas
Marion Richter
Kristine & Scott Hutchin
Michael & Diane Moxness
Alice and Gunnar Knapp
Andrew Eker and Mary K. Hughes
Betsy Haines
Svea Lunoe
Karl and Nancy Hanneman
Edward and Glynn Strabel
Deb Essex
Lance and Karen Parrish
Clinton & Rebekka Bowman
Pat and Cyndy Van Mullem
Jim & Dianne Mahaffey
Lin Hinderman
James & Sally Burkholder
Alex & Lee Post
Elizabeth M. Arky
Chris Puchner
Dune Thorne

FY2023 Nordic Donors, Supporters & Volunteers

Sarah Earnhart
Charles and Charlotte Faulkner
Berit and Samuel Flora
William Gaines
Melissa Goozen
Marah Gotcsik
Logan Grothe
Marcia Harlamert
Merlin Harlamert
Beverly Holmes
Sue Howell
Kerry Carl
Joan Reinhardt
David Ryland
Eric Packer
Jocelyn Knoll
Peter Smith
Dexter Paine
Mildred Smith
Robert and Joann Pfisterer
John and Diane Ramey
Deborah Randall
Janice and Steve Tower
Stephanie Rathert
Sarah Stanley
Kimberly Revels
Gabriella Serventi
Steven Schultz
Cari Sayre
Chris Rogers
Heather Rolfs
Elaine Savetilik
Elias Rubin
Brandon Ruckel
James and Dianne Mahaffey
John & Carolyn Rathert
Petra Wilm
Rebecca Manley
David Manzer
Bethany Zellmer
Suzanne Wright
Catherine Wright
Benjamin Matheson
Barb & John McMullen
Michael McNiven
Judith Meidinger
Nora and Tim Miller
Jamie Shearer
Kelly Marciales
Timothy and Alice Samuelson
Cynthia Cacy
John N. Norfleet
Darcie Larson
John Wood
Rachael Hannah
Roberta and Ray Wonders
Sarah Dow
Susannah Numme
Margaret Harth
Scott & Becky Hauser
Maria Capezio-Crookes
Joan Kluwe
Carolyn Stwertka
Andrea Clark
Leslie Boyd
Robert Meyer
Jeanne M. Funatake
Marilyn Watts
Wiggy and Tom Brennan
Odin Brudie
Katriina Timm
Brenda Fahlsing
Ellen Berdinner
Ari Endestad
Hiromi & Brian Betts
Mary Carpenter
Erin Downey
Stacy Connole
Emily Berens
Susan Wemyss
Nancy Shearer
Meg Thornton
Lucca Criminale
Teresa & James Danielson
Linda and Cory Smith
Kathy Sturgis
Anne Sloan
Laura Wells
Mark Iverson
Robert Lohr
Pamela Maslyk
Bernadette McLaughlin
Tamra Kornfield
Jerome Zellmer
Deborah Adams
James Menna
Harry and Elisabeth Kachline
Mary Marcia Salsbury
Annette Iverson
Katrina Osborne
Nancy Hynes
Tom Horrocks
Amy Purevsuren
Mark G Grindrod
Barbara Hersey
Ashley Gross
Harlow Robinson
Judith A. Hinds
Michelle Harlamert
Eric Goozen
Mark Harlamert
Paul and Diana Twardock
Caroline Brisbois
Gretchen Meyers
Jenny Weis
Sam Grosenick
Sandor Brown
Sherry Roland
Janelle Vanasse
Francine Larsen
Emily Satake
Barbara Martin
Cameron Barrows
Kathleen Wyrick
Charisse Arce
Jeremy Anderson
Susan and Phil Schnering
Aaron Hutson
Davin and Cara Holen-O’Brien
Holly Payne
Hilton Hallock
Sarah Hurkett

Sheila King
Joann Pfisterer
William and Bonnie Mehner
Frances Marbarger
Grant Crosby & Petra Wilm
Kikkan Randall
Janelle Vanasse
Jim and Kathy Falconer
Valerie Davidson
Lin Hinderman
Gunnar and Alice Knapp
Brian and Gail Hoefler
Trigg and Hannah Davis
Jessica & Nathan Cochran-Pannkuk
Steve Strandberg
Valerie Phelps
Rachelle Weymuller
Chris Hodel
Jeff & Tawny Mahlen-Nicolaysen
Geoff & Tina Richardson
Lisa Earnhart
Zan Frederick
Susan and Jim Orlansky
Sally & Audun Endestad
Jim & Amy Jager-Johns
Joseph and Joan Darnell
Krista Inscho
Andy Cole
Denali Kemppel
Anthony Wright
Allene Whitney
William Earnhart
Brooke Berens
Ezra Richardson
Glenn and Wendy Gellert
Jessica & Gino Graziano
Amy & Greg Schumacher
Edward and Robin Kornfield
James Southam
Pat & Cyndy Van Mullen
Crawford Parr
Bob & Lorraine Bochenek
Harry McDonald
Matt and Lisa Claman
Jay Wenzel
Adeline Cochran
Alice/Ernest Weymuller
Tim Brabets
Leah Boltz
Kelly Day
Susan Faulkner
Claire and John LeClair
Sophie Kitsick
Kelin and Stig Colberg
Jeremy Littell
Roger Worrell
Julie and Russell Hood
Andrea and William Sears
Karen Stephens
Richard Banning
John & Heidi Wells
Nathan Pannkuk
Vanessa Bergstedt
Jennifer and Ronald Brisbois
Erik and Lisa Maurer
Jessica & Kevin Menkens
Sarah Truitt
Debby Salsbury
Jeremy & Kirsten Cohen
Doug and Helen O’Harra
Kjerstin Thomas
Mary Martinez
christine Cline
Megan Bladow
Lance and Carina Howe
Rebecca Hills
Cheyenne Oyen
IdaMarie Piccard
Jonathon A. Katcher
Heather Ireland
Jeff & Joy Jager
Thomas Livingston
Matt Komatsu
Pam Laker
Linda Klingaman
Rebecca Love
Thomas B Kimbrell
Andre Lovett
Peter Kling
Kelly Coutsoubos
Aurora Agee
Meredith Autrey
Mike & Alycia Beiergrohslein
Ann Berens
Jill Blumberg
Martin Blumberg
Kelly Bolinger
Robert & Liz Brewster
Michael Brogan
Karen Ann Bronga
Therese Foley
Shelly Christopherson
Satoko Inoue
Penny Smythe
Eric Strabel
Tamar Ben-Yosef
Lawrence Berens
Mary Wallis
Suzanne Cole
Mary Jean Stephens
Carolyn Giger
Ashley Crownover
Diane Post
Sara Lopez
Nick Howell
Britni Nevin
Joan Mills
Calvin Schrage
Kirsten Brogan
John and Vicki Novak
Robert Carpenter
Kimberly Taylor
Julia Wigren
Jessica Williams
Michelle Kaganak
Matias Saari
Lianna Carl
Amy Berens
Sara Keating
Diana Kurka
Phyllis Yazzie
Kevin Atuk
Heather Albertson
Walter Keeney

Please consider contributing a donation to our ski center.

Your support will help to continue the hard work in growing the development of cross-country skiing in Alaska while supporting our future Olympians.